HR Staff Resources

What's New in HR?

Trends in HR - plus HR-related Book recommendations from our HR Leadership

What's a hot topic in the HR world right now?

Book Recommendations:

I asked some of our SIL HR leaders for HR-related book recommendations. (I am interpreting HR broadly to include HR, Spiritual Formation, Care & Wellbeing, Security, Children & Families, Leadership, Learning, Recruiting, Innovation, etc.). Here are their responses:

Jackie: The Heart and Hands of Leadership by Dan Gaynor is a good summary of the need to have both skill and 'heart'. 

Leadership on the Line by Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky is one of my favorite books about leadership because it acknowledges the hard things, the very real struggles of leading, rather than just trying to focus on the positives. 

A World Without Email by Cal Newport- very thought provoking about the way we spend our time and how we are so distractable. And finally, a couple of books that I've deeply appreciated since so many HR leaders are female; Women in God's Mission by Mary Lederleitner, 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership by Kate Coleman. Crucial Conversations and Crucial Accountability are great how-to books for difficult conversations. Nine Lies About Work by Marcus Buckingham.

Terry: Atomic Habits by James Clear - It is a great book in talking about the gain of our success is contingent upon our habits and our habits are part of our 'system' for how we do life. 

Tara: I just finished  Creative Change: Why We Resist It...How We Can Embrace It by Jennifer Mueller, PhD. I love how this book made me think differently about how creative solutions can be embraced in the organization, and how we need to listen to the different mindsets to make change successful. 

Bethany: What's Your Problem? To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg. It's been helpful for thinking about problem solving.

Jackie: Slow Productivity by Cal Newport; Institutional Intelligence by Gordon T Smith

Terry: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson; Think Ahead by Craig Groeschel

Tara: Rooting for Rivals by Peter Greer and Christ Horst; Talent Tectonics by Steven T. Hunt, PhD; How Performance Management is Killing Performance - and What to Do About It by M. Tamra Chandler

Kimberly: Sticking Points: How to get 5 Generations Working Together in the 12 Places They Come Apart by Haydn Shaw; Soul Keeping: Caring for the Most Important Part of You by John Ortberg; Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the Conversation on Next-Stage Organizations by Frederic Laloux; Managing Generation Z: How to Recruit, Onboard, Develop, and Retain the Newest Generation in the Workplace by Robin Paggi, Kat Clowes;

Terry: For the Gospel's Sake by Boone Aldridge; Pace Setter: Leadership & Culture in Mental Health by Dr Rhonda Johnson

Tara: Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention - an How to Think Deeply Again by Johann Hari; Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marilee Adams PhD; A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas; Artificial Intelligence for HR: Use AI to Support and Develop a Successful Workforce

Kimberly: ADHD is Awesome: A Guide to (Mostly) Thriving with ADHD by Penn & Kim Holderness

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HR Policies Index 

The above internal link is the home page for all of the SIL HR Polices - with links to the administrative policies, procedures, guidelines, and other related documents. Below are direct links to the most commonly asked for SIL HR polices. If you need access, please contact or

Duty of Care Policy  - Policy that defines  specific Duty of Care responsibilities.

Staffing and Placement Policy  - Policy that defines the way in which SIL will place staff into assignments.

Care & Wellbeing Policy  - Policy that defines SIL's responsibility to care for its staff.

Staff Behavior Policy  - Policy that defines the conduct that SIL expects of its staff.

Response to Staff Misconduct Policy  - Policy that defines SIL's commitment to fair process in responding to a breach of the staff behavior agreement.

SIL International Membership - Administration Policy and Forms  - Policy that defines the purpose, responsibilities, benefits, criteria for granting, and the categories for membership in SIL.

HR Orientation - Level 1 Training

An introduction to working in HR in SIL for new HR workers:

(French version), English version

HR Orientation - Level 2 Training

Further HR training for new HR managers:

i.  SIL adheres to the highest level available which is currently GDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation)

Principles of GDPR:

ii. Make sure you are aware of any local labor/employment laws in consultation with your leadership or Area HR.

Common HR Workday Tasks

Common workday tasks and their corresponding Workday processes organized around the HR Life Cycle.

Forms and Templates

A compilation forms and templates created and used by different SIL Units, Areas, or Global. If you have one to share, please send it to for inclusion below.

Commonly Used HR Acronyms and Definitions

We love our acronyms in SIL, and they often change! Here is a current list of common HR ones. 

Alliance Organization (AO)  An organization that is a member of the Wycliffe Global Alliance. AO is the currently preferred acronym for Wycliffe Organizations rather than WO, which was used previously.

APR - Annual Planning and Review (sometimes called AR or AMPR) An annual conversation between the staff person and their supervisor and is captured on a standard APR form. Goals of this conversation are: to review and give feedback on the past year, to plan and set goals for the coming year, to discuss growth and development plans; and to affirm and inspire the staff person.

Affiliation - The term is used to show that someone is in a relationship with an Organization. For seconded staff, they will have an affiliation with both their Sending and Receiving Organizations. In Workday, an affiliation is the recorded form of a Union membership.

Assignment - The allocation of staff (seconded or paid) to an Organizational Position within an SIL Community Organization (SCO).

Home Assignment (HA) - Sending Organizations of seconded staff will have policies of when and for how long they want their staff to return home to their passport country after serving outside of their home country. If the return is temporary, we put them in a Home Assignment. During Home Assignment, the staff member leaves their SIL position, but stays in their SIL Union to keep them affiliated to their unit. (Home Assignment is sometimes referred to as furlough, but is NOT the same as a sabbatical).

Companies - Workday’s term for our SCOs (SIL Community Organizations), previously Organizational Units (OUs).

FBMB - Field Based Ministry Budget - Wycliffe USA’s tool for calculating required support for supported staff

Field Entity - An old term for an SCO, generally referring to an SCO located outside of a main sending country, to which staff are seconded

F2F - Face-to-face meeting

FTE - Full-Time Equivalency - The calculation of a staff member’s work hours, usually based on a 40 hour work week (though for a few countries it is less). For example - a Wycliffe USA person who works 40 hours a week would have a 1.0 FTE; a Wycliffe Finland person would work 36 hours for a 1.0 FTE since Finland's legal full-time work week is 36 hours. A person who works half-time would have a 0.5 FTE.

GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation. These are European information protection requirements. Abiding by them is required for our seconded staff from our European AOs.

International Assignment (IA) -  An SIL assignment is considered an International Assignment for seconded staff members serving in SIL, regardless of where they live. It is about where the work is based and not where the person is residing while doing the work.  If the seconded staff member resides somewhere other than where the work is based (including living in their home country) while doing their International Assignment, it is often called a Remote Assignment.

IdP (Identity Profile) - What staff members use to log into systems - also called Identity account.

IDP (Individual Development Plan) - A learning/growth plan agreed upon by the staff member and their supervisor. There is an expectation that all staff members will have a plan for professional development.

Line Manager, Supervisor (used interchangeably) - The person that the staff person reports to. 

Local Staff -  Paid staff members living in their home country are called Local Staff. SIL abides by all local employment laws for local paid staff members.

Ministry Budget - The budget set for a supported staff person.  It is set by the Sending Organization with input from the SCO.

New Leaders Orientation (NLO) - A specially-focused orientation for new SCO Directors and/or other new SIL Level 3 and 4 leaders.

Organizational Position - A uniquely defined job within an SCO that represents, at most, one full-time equivalent.

Organizational Unit (OU) -  an old term for SCO.

PD (Partnership Development) (NOT professional development as it is usually used in business). Seconded staff members, most of whom have raised their own financial and prayer support, need regular PD time to connect with their supporters.

Pipeline Position - a placeholder position showing the likely placement of a person into an area of where they will be serving on the field. A person in a pipeline position gives the Receiving Organization the ability to see who is going to be serving with them in the future and when they will be coming.

Position Results Description.(PRD) - A document which provides clear, measurable, and time-specific results for a specific person’s  assignment. It is tailored to the person filling the position and normally lists the position goals for one year. It is similar to a Job Description but includes outcomes and the whole person. A person with 2 jobs will have 2 job descriptions incorporated into only 1 PRD.

Remote Assignment - An International Assignment performed outside of the country where the work is based, even if the staff member is residing in their home country.

Receiving Organization (RO) -  The organization that receives a seconded staff member from a Sending Organization. SIL is usually in the role of RO.

Seconded Staff -.Seconded staff are sent by a Sending Organization (usually an Alliance Organization) and received by a Receiving Organization (usually SIL). In most cases, seconded staff are not employees of SIL, but are employees of their Sending Organization (whether or not they have raised their own support) and are subject to their home country’s employment laws no matter where they reside.

Sending Organization (SO) - The organization that sends a seconded staff member to a Receiving Organization. Alliance Organizations are usually in the role of SO.

SIL Community Organization (SCO) - the SIL unit that the staff member is assigned to.

SIL Staff person - anyone filling a position within the SIL structure, whether they are a seconded member, paid staff, volunteer or Intern

Staff Management - Intentional interaction between a Supervisor (Line Manager) and their staff person

Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) - An SCO’s plan for what staffing it will need to accomplish its goals.

Supervisory Organization (Sup Org) - In Workday, any time you want to show that a position has other positions that report to it, you create a Sup Org for that position, making the supervisory position the “manager” of that Sup Org. You then create the subordinate positions and assign them to that Sup Org. Sup Orgs are like a box inside which all Organizational Positions are created and put in. If a subordinate position also has direct reports, you would create a Sup Org for that too and place it as the “child” under the “parent” Sup Org.

Support Quota Worksheet (SQW) - a form used to calculate a person’s Ministry Budget. (see Ministry Budget)

TCK Care and Education - the domain in SIL HR that looks after the care and educational needs of the children of staff in our organization that are not living in their home country. TCK stands for third culture kid.

Union Membership - We use this term very differently than from how it is used in business. We use Unions in Workday to record how our staff are affiliated with different organizations. You will add a person to your SCO’s Union when they begin an assignment with you and remove them when they permanently leave an assignment in your SCO. When the person temporarily leaves your SCO but you expect them to return (like for Home Assignment), keep them in your Union so that they maintain their affiliation with you.

Wycliffe Global Alliance - a group that Wycliffe Organizations around the world can join. Member organizations are called Alliance Organizations.

WO - (Wycliffe Org) - Outdated term. AO is the new preferred term

Workday - The system we use for a majority of our HR functions.

Workplace Inquiry/Investigation

 A Workplace Inquiry is an investigation of a complaint or of possible wrongful behavior. If you find yourself needing to do a Workplace Inquiry, contact your Area HR Director to help you find the specific resources you need. If someone reports bullying, harassment or discrimination to you, please respond promptly.

Do not dismiss the report but follow the steps identified in inquiry guidelines and the Workplace Inquiry Public version. Other information related to Staff Misconduct can be found here

It may be helpful to know that workplace inquiries are separated into three categories: minor breach, major breach, and child-related major breach.

People Strategies - Global team...

Global Administration HR...

International Language Services (ILS) HR...

What are they? How do they differ? 

How does HR fit into the SIL reporting structure?

Many times people in SIL get these teams confused since they all are globally-based and HR-related. Hopefully this will help you to understand the differences and know who to go to when you need HR input.

Firstly - An Overview of the SIL Reporting Structure and how HR fits into it:

     SIL is basically divided into three reporting-level tiers:

SIL Community Organization (SCO) - these are the on-the-ground groups that do the language-related work of SIL. Each of these has an SCO Director, and as part of their team, an HR Manager. HR managers in an SCO report directly to their Director (or designate), NOT to a higher-up HR person. However, when the HR Manager has questions and needs support or training, they consult the next level up - their Area HR Director.

Areas - SCO's are grouped into Areas, mostly (but not always) by geographical location. Areas have an Area Director, and as part of their team, an Area HR Director. The Area Director and team lead and support the SCO's under them. The Area HR Director reports to their Area Director (or designate), NOT to a higher-up HR person. However, when the Area HR Director has questions and needs support or training, they consult the next level up - the People Strategies - Global team.

Global - Area Directors report to a member of the ED's team. The Chief People Officer is the top of the HR chain in the organization. This person supports the Global Leadership team, negotiates MOUs with Partner Organizations, manages a team of HR related domain leaders, and interacts with the Area HR Directors. The Chief People Officer (sometimes referred to as the Chief Human Resources Officer, or CHRO) reports to the Director of People & Community.

Now that we have a framework to fit them into, let’s look more specifically at the three globally-based HR-related teams:

The People Strategies - Global team - This is the top-tier of SIL HR. It prioritizes strategic thinking in all aspects of HR throughout the organization. It's also the highest level in SIL to consult with on staffing issues. This team focuses on transformational HR rather than transactional HR. Transactional HR functions for staff who are assigned to a global role are provided by IA or ILS HR departments.

Global Administration HR (formerly International Administration HR) -  HR provides HR services for anyone employed by SIL in the US, or seconded to SIL into a Global (but not ILS) assignment. This HR Director reports to the Chief People Officer. Global Administration HR, due to its size and position in the organization, basically operates like an Area and as such, this HR Director interacts with the other Area HR Directors.

International Language Services (ILS) HR - ILS HR provides HR services for SIL staff assigned to the ILS team. ILS provides language-related services globally. The ILS HR Director reports to the AED of Language Services. International Language Services HR, due to its size and position in the organization, basically operates like an Area and as such, the ILS HR Director interacts with the other Area HR Directors.

Outside HR Organizations and Resources

International organizations and resources that support Human Resource workers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Email Transition, Sabbatical, WUS Retirement, Short Stays vs. Home Assignments

Email Transition: 

What happens to my individual SIL email account when I leave my SIL assignment? Link to Document 

What happens to my functional and positional SIL email accounts when I leave or change positions? Link to Document 


What is an SIL Sabbatical? Link to Document 

Wycliffe US Retirement Process & Guidelines:

Everything you need to know about WUS Retirement: Link to Document

Short Stays and Home Assignments:

Whenever overseas seconded staff are planning a trip back to their passport country, they need to first talk to their immediate supervisor and sending organisation to let them know the reasons for that visit. Together you can help the staff person work through what preparation or requirements need to be considered.

A Short Stay (up to 3 months) is a temporary relocation, during which time you remain in your SIL assignment.

A Home Assignment is a change of assignment, sending you back to the care of your sending organization.

How do you decide between the two?  Ask yourself:

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Provided by SIL's People Strategies Global Team.