Asian Children in MK Schools

Asian Children in MK Schools

by Polly Chan1

Teachers and boarding school staff in TCK schools have seen a change in the student body over the past decade. At one time, almost all children at TCK schools were Caucasians, mainly from Britain and North America. Reports from many schools now show a growing number of Asian students.

The larger number of Asian children reflects an increase in the number of Asian families involved in ministry overseas. We rejoice to see more Asian involved this way. At the same time, we need to consider how we can meet their children’s educational needs and evaluate their impact on the TCK schools.

Cross Cultural Issues

Asian languages, cultures, and educational philosophy are very different from those of the West. Asian children have many adjustments to make at TCK schools dominated by the American and British cultures. Not surprisingly, once they get used to the TCK schools, they find it hard to adjust to school and life in their parents’ home country.

Many Asian parents struggle as their children lose their mother tongue and become westernized. Simultaneously, the Western teachers and dorm staff may feel helpless to prepare these children for life and study back in their parents’ home country.

No single culture embraces all God’s goodness and beauty, but each reveals a portion. We appreciate the Western ideals of independence, critical thinking, and respect for individual rights. At the same time, we value the Asian ideals of obedience, loyalty, respect for authority, and respect for one’s elders. Not all the traditions and values of either culture are biblical, so an important role of teachers is helping students discern which values are scriptural.

Educational Issues

The school is a natural, real-life setting where children can learn to accept, respect, and even appreciate differences. Such learning requires courage but is an excellent way to fight prejudice against other races, ethnic groups, and nationalities. It is not only a Christ-like attitude but a fundamental tool in relating to people in this international world.

Asian children need to make many adjustments. Two key factors will determine how well they make the transition to MK schools. First, Asian parents need to prepare their children for the MK school. And second, the school staff must help Asian children maintain their mother tongue and cultural identity to prepare them for reentry.

Asian parents are encouraged to think through the long-term consequences if they choose MK schools for their children. They have to understand that at MK schools English is spoken and a Western curriculum is followed. They should expect that their children will have a high English proficiency, perhaps even better than their own. However, the children may not be able to speak, understand, read, and write their mother tongue as fluently as children educated in the home country.

In Asian culture, education falls largely on the shoulders of teachers. Asian parents need to learn that they can do a lot to help their children maintain their mother tongue and develop their cultural identity. They can talk to their children in their mother tongue instead of using a mixed language. They can celebrate important national festivals of their Asian country.

To incorporate the needs of all nations represented in our TCK schools will require cooperation, sacrifice, and ongoing communication between everyone involved­­—schools, parents, and home-country personnel. When cultural diversity is viewed, not as a problem to be solved but an asset to be tapped creatively, it can serve to enrich the education of every student in the TCK school classroom.

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