Digital Course Descriptions
Please explore this growing list of courses that may be of interest to you. Most can be found in Course-Connections, and some are also hosted in Workday Learning if they are required for SIL staff. You can click on a course title to be taken to the course in Course-Connections, or (Workday Learning)* for those that are required for SIL staff.
Personal Development Courses
Retirement: A Time of Transition and Change. Like transitioning to adulthood, marriage, parenting, or cross-cultural living and working, transitioning to retirement can be made smoother with some pre-event reflection and preparation. Staff can usually find enough information and guidance for the financial aspects of retirement, so this course attempts to help people think through the geographical, social, emotional, activity, and identity changes that come with retirement. ▼
Emotions & Teamwork: Who Is Pushing Your Buttons? This course is designed to help anyone to evaluate when an interaction moves from rational discourse to emotional responses, recognize keys that trigger amygdala hijacking, and select strategies that can then re-establish productive dialogue.
Security Level 1: Standard (Workday Learning)* This Level 1 security course is for anyone who lives outside of their home country or travels outside their home country as part of their work responsibilities. Lessons in this course include: Basic Security Principles, Strategic Intercultural Relations, Hostile Surveillance Detection, Cyber Security, Individual Risk and Contingency Planning, Responding to Security Incidents, Responding to Kidnapping, and Post Incident Care.
Security Level 1: Domestic (Workday Learning)* This Level 1 security course is designed for those in the organization who work in their home country and the level of security risk in that country is considered low. If a staff member travels to other countries for work responsibilities, they should take the standard course described above. The content of this course addresses risk associated with crime and natural disasters.
Data Protection Training. This course created by GTIS explains the importance and responsibility we all have to protect each other’s personal data. Lessons include: the mandate to never disclose personal information, what to do if you accidentally do, how to protect personal data, knowing your rights, and only collecting what you need.
Towards Better Decisions. This course will explore some of the rich meaning behind the truth that is summarized in Proverbs 3:5,6. Prayer and trust in our Gentle Shepherd are to be woven throughout our decision making. God has gifted some folks with great understanding, and we can learn from their decision making processes. This course explores ways to be good stewards of our opportunities to make decisions.
General Professional Development Courses
Working in Virtual Teams. Being part of a global organization, provides opportunities to work on Virtual Teams. This course gives some skills and techniques that can help you improve how you participate on a Virtual Team. There are other tips and pointers which can help increase your own confidence and contentment as a member of a Virtual Team. ▼
Workplace Behavior (Workday Learning)* As one of courses required for all SIL staff, Workplace Behavior presents and explains SIL policies, standards, and expectations regarding bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination.
Orientation to SIL (Workday Learning)* This course is part of the on-boarding process for new staff and includes an introduction to the history, structure, core statements, and current priorities of SIL.
Leading & Managing People Courses
Leading Virtual Teams. How does leading a Face to Face team compare with leading a Virtual Team? While there is some overlap of skills, there are also skills that need to be developed for leading Virtual Teams in an effective manner. This course provides guidance and resources so that leaders of Virtual Teams can know what aspects of leadership need special attention so that one’s team can be cohesive, energized, and productive. ▼
Letting Someone Go Be Amazing Somewhere Else. Job fit makes a world of difference. A great person in the wrong position is a disaster waiting to happen. This course provides guidance for how a line manager can have a conversation with a team member who needs to “Go Be Amazing Somewhere Else”. While the final conversation comes after a series of coaching conversations, there are times that a change must be made. While HR has experts who can help, there are also some things that you as the line manager need to know and do in order to minimize the possibility that this situation comes back to bite you or the organization.
Staff Engagement. Gallup’s recent research says it’s all about the manager. How leaders support and supervise their team affects everyone in the organization, but not all of us in leadership roles have had the education, mentoring, or even good modeling in leading and managing a team. This course attempts to address some of the gap. Lessons address a biblical perspective on leading people, working with staff to set work goals and individual development plans (IDPs), improving focused conversation skills, having regular check-ins and quarterly conversations, and summarizing it all an annual record. The outline of this course is set around supporting line mangers to meet SIL’s Staff Engagement Policy and Standards.
Workplace Behavior – Line Managers. Following completion of the Workplace Behavior course, line managers (anyone who supervises others) should take this course to consider their own responsibilities in creating a work environment that is free of bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination.
Workplace Behavior – HR Staff. This third course in the series is designed to help HR staff when dealing with breaches in the policies, standards, and expectations regarding workplace behavior.
Managing Projects & Programs Course
Unit Financial Planning & Management. This course presents a biblical view of and rationale for budgeting, the reflective planning cycle, budgeting timelines, and participatory process tools for creating functional budgets. Lessons also help managers to monitor income, spending and expenses, and know when to make course corrections in order to steward well God’s resources.
Child Safeguarding Courses
SIL Initial Child Safeguarding – Creating Healthy Communities (Workday). This course is designed for people who are going overseas for the first time or are new to the field. Its format, however, is one that is relevant for all staff, so can be used, with the proviso that it is not aimed at experienced staff, expatriate or otherwise. Neither has it been culturally adapted to the various cultures in which we work. ▼
SIL Child Safeguarding Refresher (Workday). The Refresher Course is for those who have already completed SIL’s introductory course to child safeguarding. This course must be done at a minimum of every four (4) years.
SIL Child Safeguarding Annual Course (Workday). This course is for those whose role in SIL includes ministry with children and youth.
Children and Youth Courses (Course Connections). These courses have lessons for parents to do with their children concerning safeguarding.
Parenting Helps (Course Connections. There are two courses here. One course, Living Wisely in the Digital Age, is designed to help parents know how to set up precautions to help keep their children safe on the internet. The second course, Parenting Potential, is a resource for parents to help them develop their parenting skills.