Read, Reflect, Relate to Your Growth
Read, Reflect, and Relate to Your Growth
Articles That Support SIL’s Desired Personal Attributes and Management/Leadership Competencies
SIL has identified Personal Attributes to be developed by individual staff personnel, and additional Competencies to be developed by Managers and Leaders. In the chart below each attribute/competency are listed indicators and a brief description of what these mean in SIL. These are intended for personal development, yet a staff individual may wonder what are the means by which he/she should strive to develop these indicators.
To help the reader, research has been conducted into articles written by outside experts from such fields as academia, business, research, military, and government. These authors provide us with a breadth of richness, wisdom, and expertise from various backgrounds. Their articles express developmental concepts that are considered quite beneficial to SIL staff who desire to continue with their personal and professional development. Though they may use terminology that is different from ours, the principles they discuss are considered to apply well to SIL and they bring a fresh perspective to us. SIL Learning and Development endorses use of these links, and considers that they should give you greater insight and perspective for each listed supporting element and thereby help you in your personal and professional development.
Unlike a traditional online course, here you can start where you want and navigate to best meet your developmental needs. The articles typically are short enough that you could read one, or perhaps several, in a single setting.
Alongside each indicator are links that take you to the recommended articles. Following the links are application questions designed to help you reflect on the reading and apply it to your specific development.
*The indicators on this page are take from the PAs & MLCs for Workday Level 4 Leaders.
Personal Attributes (PAs)
PA1 - Spiritual Vitality
I am maintaining and deepening my spiritual walk, seeking to grow more like Christ through God’s grace. I am extending that grace to others, whole-heartedly participating in community life and demonstrating the fruit of the spirit. I am seeking to understand and engage with the leading of the Holy Spirit, through prayer, study and reflection with others.
Measuring the Unmeasurable.
These Personal Attributes and Competencies address different aspects of our engagement with the work and ministry of SIL. Spiritual Vitality, however, is foundational to every part of our personal and corporate life, including discerning what God is saying to us about what we do and how we do it.
There are habits and disciplines we can adopt to aid us with this Attribute, but at the same time it is important to acknowledge that our growth towards being more like Christ is a work of grace through the Holy Spirit. In addition, Spiritual Vitality is unique to each person and circumstance, and usually develops in seasons rather than straight lines. We therefore encourage everybody reflecting on this attribute to keep these realities in mind.
As a consequence, outside of a leadership context, instead of using specific indicators we would encourage you to interact with the Scriptures. Once you have read through the verses below, and any others that seem relevant, you might reflect on how much you have struggled or not with the given definition of Spiritual Vitality. Try to give some examples that help to explain your response.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbors as yourself”. (Luke 10:27)
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23a)
PA1 Indicators
1.1 Growth
Intentionally nurtures and seeks accountability for their personal spiritual growth and development through the regular practice of the Christian disciplines, including prayer, worship, bible study, fellowship with other believers and personal witness. Prioritizes cultivating their relationship with God as demonstrated by the investment of time and resources. Models this prioritization in their leadership and in facilitating the development of supportive organisational practices.
Resources & Reflection:
21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life, (Parachin,1/12/22: Vibrant Life)
10 Ways to Grow Spiritually, Breaking the Complacency Habit (McNemamin,12/27/2011: Crosswalk)
What three things would God most impress on you to pursue to draw closer to him this year?
1.2 Maturity
Grace-filled leadership is exercised within the context of a Community of Grace. For further definition of this, see PA6.
Demonstrates and is intentionally accountable for grace-filled leadership that is rooted in a mature spirituality, characterized by prayerful responses and an openness to the leading of the Spirit. Balances the need to speak both grace and truth. Exercises wisdom and discernment, showing a willingness to serve others and persevere through challenging circumstances. Seeks to foster the formation of a Community of Grace and encourage growth into spiritual maturity for individuals and the organisation.
Resources & Reflection:
Becoming Spiritually Mature (
What is Spiritual Maturity (Got Questions)
Full of Grace and Truth (Deyoung,6/3/14: TGC (The Gospel Coalition))
What is your identity in Christ?
How can you come to know this identity?
How can knowing this help you draw closer to God and break the chains of specific sins?
How can you grow in your love for God and others?
1.3 Discernment of and Obedience to God’s Voice
Missiological Reflection is one way of discerning God’s voice. For the organisational and leadership application of this particular process to our context, see PA4.4
Strives to honour God, seeking to discern His voice and place His priorities ahead of their own in personal, team and organisational contexts. Models an attitude of faith, reverence and dependence on God, choosing, through his love and power, to do what is right rather than what is easy or driven by circumstances. Supports organisational practices that foster engagement with God.
Resources & Reflection:
6 Tips on How to Hear from God (Longanecker, 2/15/16:James River Church)
10 Ways to Hear God’s Voice Regularly (Hopler, 4/22/21:Crosswalk)
Obeying the Voice of God (Francis: The Gospel Faith Messenger)
Other than continuing to read and meditate on Scripture, how will you specifically seek to hear God’s voice?
PA2 - Emotional Intelligence
I recognize, understand and manage my emotions and behavior. I recognize and understand other people’s emotions and motives, and interact with their behaviors in a manner that improves relationships.
PA2 Indicators
2.1 Self Awareness
Takes responsibility for identifying and monitoring their own emotional state. Knows their own strengths, weaknesses, drives and goals, and pays attention to the impact of their emotions and behaviours on other people. Takes responsibility for identifying what motivates and satisfies them as well as which people and situations push their buttons.
Resources & Reflection:
Self-Awareness Development and Types (Cherry, 7/14/20:Very Well Mind)
What Self-Awareness Really is, and How to Cultivate It (Eurich,1.04.18:Harvard Business Review)
What are the steps you need to take in the future to handle such situations more effectively?
2.2 Self Management
On the basis of se lf-awareness, takes responsibility for regulating their own emotional state. Puts in place support strategies that enable them to stay flexible and direct behavior positively. Harnesses their emotions and impulses, including the negative ones, in order to make good decisions.
Resources & Reflection:
Why Self-Management is Key to Success and How to Improve Yours (Munro, 2/15/21:Betterup)
The Importance of Self-Management Skills (Glassdoor team, 6/29/21:glassdoor)\
Of the various self-management skills, in which one do you most need to improve your self-management skills?
2.3 Social Awareness
Employs strategies in order to perceive, understand and respond to the emotions, needs and concerns of others. Uses listening and observing skills to understand personal relationships and group/team dynamics. Looks beyond the obvious in order to fully understand others’ motivations and behaviors.
Resources & Reflection:
Social Awareness (Connelly,9/12/20:Change Management Coach)
Social Awareness: an Introductory Guide (Positive Action Staff, 6/17/20:Positive Action)
In what ways could you best show understanding and empathy and thereby increase your trustworthiness?
2.4 Relationship Management
Uses social awareness to respond to the behavior of others in a measured and appropriate manner. Communicates clearly and sensitively, bearing in mind the social impact of decisions and actions. Aims to build connections and empathise with other people’s needs and feelings, both for themselves and within their domain of influence.
Resources & Reflection:
Relationship Management, the Key to Achieving it All (Tait, 3/31/20:Forbes)
Relationship Management: The Fourth Pilliar of Emotional Intelligence (Zimmerman: DrZimmerman)
What interpersonal skill should you most work on, to excel in relationship management?
PA3 - Intercultural Intelligence
I live, work and serve effectively with people from a variety of cultures. I proactively seek to understand their viewpoints, promote diversity and seek the inclusion of all voices. I learn from and value people from different backgrounds and recognize the need to adapt my behavior to different contexts.
PA3 Indicators
3.1 Perception
Has a sophisticated understanding of ‘culture’ and worldview, including what this looks like in self and others, and how people’s perceptions of behavior and motivations are affected by their background. Where conflict occurs, pays attention to cross-cultural aspects. Integrates this knowledge and awareness into their understanding of local and global realities, partnerships, and organisational structure and development.
Resources & Reflection:
Culture’s Influence on Perception (2/17/16:psychneuro)
How Person Perception helps us Form Impressions of Others (Cherry, 5/10/20: verywellmind)
What can you personally do to move past first impressions and stereotypes to form a more accurate perception of others?
3.2 Inclusion
Respects and displays sensitivity for people of different cultures and backgrounds. Gathers and considers diverse points of view. Intentionally involves minority voices. Supports the development and implementation of policies that are consistent with being an inclusive organisation.
Resources & Reflection:
A Christian View of Diversity (Geneva College)
Addressing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Christian School (Moran, 11/3/20: Assoc. Of Christian Schools, International)
Understanding Diversity and Inclusion (Built In)
How can you work past the emotional baggage gained as you grew up, to see ones from other backgrounds as God sees them and to appropriately and sincerely show them the love of Christ?
3.3 Adaptation
Discerns and applies appropriate changes to behavior in order to function effectively across a variety of cultures and ways of working. Is fluent in a variety of leadership styles and applies these with sensitivity to the context. Displays humility and a willingness to learn. Formulates strategies and plans that reflect the diverse needs and concerns of the whole community.
Resources & Reflection:
Adapting in the Workplace: Adapting to Change at Work (Hays)
How to Adapt to Change in the Workplace (Indeed Editorial Team,3/10/21: Indeed)
What must you do to adapt to be able to come to terms with changes that are inevitable?
PA4 - Organisational Intelligence
I respect those in leadership within SIL, and I work in accordance with SIL’s structures and processes. I understand both the historical development and the current working philosophy and values of SIL, recognizing that SIL functions in a variety of contexts. I demonstrate SIL’s core values in my words and actions.
PA4 Indicators
4.1 Leadership and Authority
Demonstrates respect for SIL leadership by giving priority to accomplishment of corporate (rather than individual) vision and goals. Honors authority in attitude and communication, both internally and externally.
Resources & Reflection:
What are the Characteristics of a Good Leader (Leading Effectively Staff,8/23/21:Center for Creative Leadership)
What is Leadership (Mind Tools Content Team: Mind Tools)
Authority, Establishing Organizational Relationships (Rice University)
Formal and Real Authority in Organizations (Aghion & Tirole: Harvard LIbrary)
What attributes must you put together to improve your leadership skill?
We know that authority may be delegated. Reflect on whether responsibility also may be delegated.
4.2 Structures
Understands, utilizes and contributes to the development of SIL’s formal structures (including rules, processes and procedures) to accomplish results. Takes responsibility for contributing to good practice and organisational health.
Resources & Reflection:
Understanding Organizational Structures (Society for HR Management (SHRM))
Organizational Structure: an Overview (Nagy,Community Toolbox: University of Kansas)
What part of our existing organizational structure best helps you get productive results?
4.3 Environment and Complexity
Maintains and promotes an awareness of both historical and current developments within SIL and the wider Bible Translation movement. Reads and interprets the variety of contexts in which we work and contributes to the development of strategic directions within the organisation. Recognizes that SIL often functions in ambiguous and emergent environments; is personally resilient and supports others when dealing with the uncertainty this can create.
Resources & Reflection:
Organizational Environment (Cantisano:Scholarly Community Encyclopedia)
Putting Organizational Complexity in its Place (Birkinshaw & Heywood, 5/1/10: McKinsey Insights)
To what extent is our current level of process and system complexity warranted? Why?
4.4 Missiological Reflection
Facilitates thinking prayerfully together with others about God’s mission, the realities that define our context, and how the two fit together. Identifies particular issues and trends for consideration. Seeks to understand what God is doing and support the organisation and individuals in aligning life and work accordingly.
Resources & Reflection:
Missiological Reflection (Eddie, 5/19/20:Kouyanet)
The Missional Helix–Theological Reflection (van Rheenen,4/26/15:Mission Alive)
What do you see as driving SIL’s strategy and practice-–theological principles, tradition, innovative methodology, or some combination thereof?
4.5 Values
Understands, accepts and reinforces SIL’s core values as articulated by the Executive Director and their team. Is able to explain and promote the mission and vision of SIL and Wycliffe Global Alliance to partners and outside audiences. Reflects and demonstrates organisational identity, calling and goals in words and actions, and leads development as appropriate.
Resources & Reflection:
Aligning Individual and Organisational Values (Guadalupe, 10/26/21:INSEAD)
How to Align your Personal Values with your Corporate Values (Hughes, 2013: Tough Nickel)
To what extent do your personal values align with SIL’s organizational values?
In cases where there are gaps, to what extent are you comfortable with those gaps?
Are there any actions you should take?
PA5 - Work-Life Balance
I manage my time, finances, workload, family responsibilities, and all aspects of health to achieve a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.
PA5 Indicators
5.1 Stewardship
Recognizes that SIL’s practices are founded in the understanding that all things come from and belong to God. Approaches the management of time, finances, health and other resources with a commitment to maintain and use wisely all that God has given.
Resources & Reflection:
Four Principles of Biblical Stewardship (Whelchel, 11/16/12: Institute for Faith, Work & Economics)
What is Biblical Stewardship (Christian Stewardship Network)
Work Ethic 1.0: Good Stewardship (12/08: BuzzBin)
As you consider the Biblical concept of stewardship, in what areas do you need to concentrate the most to be a good steward?
5.2 Time Management
Exercises both discipline and flexibility in prioritizing and apportioning time and focus so that the responsibilities of organisational role, home and family, spiritual vitality, and personal care are all met. Takes time to recharge, including taking allotted vacation time. Models and encourages this behavior within their spheres of responsibility. Supports development of organisational practices and structures that facilitate this.
Resources & Reflection:
Time Management (Corporate Finance Institute (CFI))
Time Management: Beat Work Overload, Be More Effective. Achieve More (Mind Tools)
Reflect on Allen’s Input Processing Technique.
What specific behaviors do you need to consistently implement to manage your time more effectively?
5.3 Workload
Establishes and monitors appropriate boundaries and expectations for availability, productivity and responsibility, taking local and organisational contexts into account. Delegates and makes use of available support where relevant. Models and encourages this behavior within their spheres of responsibility, fostering team/organisational dynamics that facilitate mutual care and cooperation.
Resources & Reflection:
6 Tips for Better Personal Workload Management (Banks,5/27/18:Project Manager Success)
8 Ways to Help your Employees Manage their Workload (The HR & Employee Engagement Community)
[READER NOTE: Though this article was written for organizations to help their staff, the ideas are clearly applicable to staff helping themselves.]
What approach should you take to manage your bigger tasks/projects that take beyond a day of your effort?
5.4 Stress Tolerance
Recognizes the role that physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health have in maintaining personal resilience. Is aware of stressors that may lead to decreased resilience and/or burn-out, recognizes personal indicators of these and responds appropriately when work/life balance is impacted. Maintains an awareness of such stressors and indicators in staff they have responsibility for and proactively supports them in their responses. Supports development of organisational practices and structures that facilitate healthy resilience.
Resources & Reflection:
How do Christians Deal with Stress? (Fairchild, 3/4/19:Learn Religions)
Seven Ways Christians should deal with Stress and Anxiety (Loy, 11/8/21: Relevant Media Group)
DBT Distress Tolerance Skills: Your 6-Skill Guide to Navigate Emotional Crises (Sunrise)
What lesson does Jesus want you to learn in your times of anxiety and stress?
PA6 - Community Oriented
I take responsibility for my part in working and living in a community of grace that promotes mutual care and connection. I actively seek to build capacity in others, so that the community as a whole flourishes and meets organisational goals.
PA6 Indicators
6.1 Community Life
Participates in building a healthy community of grace by prioritizing care for and relationship with each other. Values unity in diversity, and strives for harmony whilst welcoming differences of opinion as something to be explored. Takes responsibility for making grace a reality where they are.
Resources & Reflection:
Means of Growth: Body Life (McCallum and DeLashmutt: Dwell Community Church)
We need to Live the Body Life and Keep every Principle of the Body in the Church Life (10/14/17: a God man)
How can you best apply Body life within the context of your work?
6.2 Cultivating Trust
Acts in a manner that builds confidence in relationships and demonstrates commitment to seek and act for each other’s good. Relates to others with integrity, honesty, consistency, humility and respect. Appreciates that perception of trust is culturally-defined and fits trust-building behaviors to their context.
Resources & Reflection:
18 Practical Ways to build trust in the Workplace (Wai: Jostle)
How to Build Trust in the Workplace: 10 Effective Solutions (Wooll, 5/21: Betterup)
The trust equation shows that self-orientation is a huge factor in diminishing trust. To what extent do you demonstrate self-orientation?
What single thing could you do to increase trustworthiness in your workplace?
6.3 Capacity Sharing
Helps others to flourish in the work to which they have been called by freely sharing information, expertise and experience in both formal and informal settings. Supports and contributes to an environment of lifelong learning.
Resources & Reflection:
The 6 keys to effective collaboration in the workplace (Vogel: ringcentral)
10 Ways to Help and Support Colleagues at Work (4/21: Indeed)
Six Reasons to Support Your Colleagues at Work (benendenhealth)
In what ways may demonstrating empathy assist in capacity sharing in the workplace?
6.4 Community Focus
Balances the need to take responsibility for self and own/team endeavors whilst working in harmony with others. Maintains an awareness of changing contexts, and participates in the development of organisational goals, communicating these within their domain. Maintains a continuous, active and up-to-date engagement with the ways that these connect to their own area of responsibility and impact partners and the wider community.
Resources & Reflection:
Stakeholder Personal Analysis (Changing Minds)
10 Tips for Creating a Harmonious Work Environment (Cordantpeople)
How to Have a Harmonious Relationship In the Workplace (11/19: Maritime and Offshore Blog)
5 Resolutions for Harmonious Relationships at Work (Souissi,2/20: jobs)
Of all the tips suggested, which one is the one you most desire to work on?
PA7 - Partnership Oriented
I take responsibility for my part in building relationships outside of my own immediate context, both within SIL and externally, in order to achieve my work goals and the end goals of SIL. I treat individual and organisation partners fairly and ethically, honoring their perspectives and needs, communicating openly and building trust.
PA7 Indicators
7.1 Ethical Working
Proactively seeks to develop attitudes of respect, honesty and loyalty. Demonstrates this by practicing intercultural intelligence (PA3) in their decisions and activities, being mindful of others’ physical and mental wellbeing, and making space for others to be heard. Identifies and manages conflicts of interest where they arise and honors the expertise and skills that partners bring. Adheres to good practice and legal requirements in record keeping and information sharing.
Resources & Reflection:
23 Ethical and Unethical Behavior Examples in the Workplace (10/20:Fomplus)
How do Ethics make you a better person in the workplace? (5/24/21:Chron)
In what ways do you best demonstrate your personal ethics at work?
7.2 Partner Inclusion
Consistently seeks to identify and involve relevant partners in developing and delivering work goals. Maintains an awareness of and interaction with stakeholders and other significant parties in local and global contexts. Proactively establishes links within church communities where they work and, where relevant, when carrying out partnership development in their home context.
Resources & Reflection:
Stakeholder Identification, Engagement and Empowerment (Global Infrastructure Hub)
How Inclusive is your Stakeholder Engagement? (Okoro,9/20: Association for Project Management)
What do your stakeholders desire the most from you?
How do you go about delivering that?
7.3 Partner Focus
Proactively seeks to understand the needs, perspectives and priorities of partners, locally and globally. Demonstrates this by mutual involvement and support, and by the responsible use of mutual resources, including time and finances.
Resources & Reflection:
Three Basic Steps to focus on Customers and Partners (Clemmer: clemmergroup)
4 Ways to Improve Internal Stakeholder Engagement Skills (Boulderstone, 8/5/18:Barclay Simpson)
How can you apply Emotional Intelligence to better focus on your partners?
7.4 Shared Understanding
Seeks to work from a place of mutual understanding by sharing transparently and appropriately with others and displaying humility and willingness to learn. Establishes, monitors and evaluates shared expectations around individual and organisation partner relationships, including communicating clearly about organisational roles, policies and procedures. Seeks to establish joint undertakings whilst building harmony and consensus.
Resources & Reflection:
Gaining and Maintaining Mutual Trust and Shared Understanding: (Field, 12/21:Cove)
Shared Understanding Creates Culture (Figman and Robertson, 7/19: PharmExec)
Reaching a Shared Understanding (Karten, 7/12: agileconnection)
What steps can you take to address challenges in the pursuit of shared understanding?
PA8 - Self-discipline
I am disciplined and organised in my approach to work. I plan, prioritize, evaluate, and resolve problems, making the best use of my technical knowledge and resources in order to achieve work goals.
PA8 Indicators
8.1 Planning & Prioritizing
Clarifies priorities and expectations with regard to work outcomes and organisational goals, both for themselves and with those they supervise. Plans and organizes own time, activities and resources effectively in order to meet these goals; supports others to do likewise. Pays attention to work/life balance (PA5) and partnership responsibilities (PA7) throughout the planning process, facilitating this with those they supervise.
Resources & Reflection:
How to Prioritize Work and Meet Deadlines when Everything is #1 (liquidplanner)
Tips on how to Prioritize, Organize and Plan your Work (Carniol: Interview Success Formula)
Planning and Prioritzation (National Institute of Health)
Of the many demands for your time, how many must be accomplished exclusively by you, and how many are not really necessary for you to do (possibly delete, reassign or defer)?
8.2 Monitoring & Evaluating
Monitors own contributions to personal and team work goals with regard to quality, suitability and timely delivery. Focuses efforts on achieving results consistent with the organisation’s standards and ethos. Seeks necessary information to clearly understand if expected work results have been achieved. Communicates with partners and stakeholders to maintain shared understanding and expectations. Models and facilitates these behaviors in all organisational contexts.
Resources & Reflection:
Why you Should Track your Own Performance at Work (Tulgan,7/21: Psychology Today)
How to assess your own performance at work (April 29, 2021, Bloom Growth)
Evaluating your Own Performance (College for West Virginia)
What single tool have you found works best for you to set goals, track work and record unexpected, emerging events?
8.3 Managing Resources
Responsibly uses available resources, including knowledge and skills. Makes effective use of applicable technology. Uses appropriate procedures to collect, organize, retrieve, maintain and disseminate information.
Resources & Reflection:
Personal Resource Management : How to Use your Personal Resources (The Habitistia)
Personal Management Skills (e.g. Managing: time, stress, difficult people, meetings) (Health Knowledge)
What personal resource do you wish you had more of, that perhaps you may want to manage a bit more effectively?
PA9 - Team Worker
I cooperate with others and support collaborative efforts to achieve common goals in a variety of contexts. I communicate well, demonstrating a listening attitude and openness to constructive dialogue. I take responsibility for building resilient relationships within a team, including addressing conflict promptly and appropriately.
PA9 Indicators
9.1 Active Participation
Takes responsibility for directing own efforts towards team goals and supports others in doing so. Fully contributes to the planning, delivery and evaluation of team activities. Shares ideas and resources freely, seeking to serve and support colleagues in team pursuits. Supports development of team practices and procedures; modelling these in own working, enabling collaborative efforts to run smoothly.
Resources & Reflection:
Teamwork: Being an Active Participant (Jacobson, Conover)
How Important is Participation in a Team? (Hubgets)
What could you do to add more value to the teams you are assigned to?
9.2 Good Communication
Listens respectfully to others, and shares information clearly and accurately. Contributes to discussions and dialogue confidently, competently and with sensitivity to context. Makes good choices about means of communication (e.g. email, face-to-face, etc.) ensuring that the right people know the right things at the right time. Models these behaviors while promoting and supporting communication within their areas of responsibility.
Resources & Reflection:
The Top 5 Communication Skills and How to Improve Them (Jouany & Martic,1/22: smarp)
Communication Skills for Workplace Success (Doyle, 3/21: thebalancecareers)
Communication is Key in the Workplace: Here is how to improve (Cooks-Campbell, 4/12/21:Better Up)
To what extent does respect play into communication?
9.3 Resilient Relationships
Works effectively with all members of a diverse team, seeking to develop mutually beneficial relationships based in trust and integrity. Shows appreciation for others’ contributions and demonstrates flexibility to meet others’ needs. Recognizes differences and takes proactive steps as a leader to handle potential or actual conflict in a manner that is constructive, honest and respectful. Encourages and facilitates relationship building within any teams for which they are responsible.
Resources & Reflection:
Why is Resilience Important at work? (The Resiliency Solution)
How to mend a work relationship (Caza, Olekalns,Vogus, 2/14/20: Harvard Business Review)
How does your emotional wellbeing play into your workplace resilience?
9.4 Virtual Working
Is aware of the particular challenges facing teams working in virtual environments in terms of communication, participation and relationship building. Keeps up-to-date with developing trends in virtual team working and leadership, facilitating organisation-wide application of emerging good practice. Is committed to managing these challenges proactively and consistently, remaining aware of the extra effort and time required to apply team practices and procedures in virtual contexts.
Resources & Reflection:
Successful Virtual Working (Gratton,4/20: MIT Sloan Management Review)
What makes Virtual Working Work? (Knutell,Hult Education)
The Virtual Workplace: What you need to know (the Hartford)
It is recognized that working remotely leads to social isolation. What creative steps can you take to offset this detrimental impact?
PA10 - Growth Mindset
I use a reflective process to understand myself, my life and my work. I am engaged in ongoing learning. I actively seek accountability to aid in reflection, personal growth and professional development.
PA10 Indicators
10.1 Reflective Process
Has a good understanding of the reflective cycle (hyperlink to explanation of this) and routinely applies this to own life and work practices and context. Initiates organisational reflection, including missiological, as well as facilitating and supporting others in their reflective processes.
Resources & Reflection:
Don’t Just Do: The Power of Reflection at Work (Life Intelligence)
The Power of Reflection at Work ( Gavett: Harvard Business Review)
It seems counterintuitive that stopping to reflect on your work can actually improve your performance. In what ways has reflection helped you in the workplace?
10.2 Continuous Learning
Is committed to continuous learning in order to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes. Consistently seeks to learn from reflecting on one’s own and others’ experiences and shares insights appropriately. Stimulates, monitors and evaluates organisational learning and makes appropriate adjustments at all levels.
Resources & Reflection:
The Importance of Continuous Learning in the Workplace (12/20: Tallo)
Continuous Learning: Benefits in the Workplace (Kelsey: World Manager)
Continuous Learning at Work: The Benefits and Behaviors of Learning Organisations (Stringer, 10/21: know how)
In the last 12 months, what aspect of your continuous learning has most challenged your former perspective/knowledge base?
What changes have you made accordingly?
10.3 Accountability
Proactively establishes relationships for accountability and mentoring. Utilizes both formal and informal avenues for personal and professional growth (e.g. creating an Individual Development Plan, coaching, peer groups. Etc.). Supports others, fulfilling the obligations of accountability relationships with supervisees and peers. Seeks to ensure that organisational structures, including policies, standards and guidelines, are ethical and legally compliant.
Resources & Reflection:
The Real Meaning of Accountability in the Workplace (8/21: Range)
Why is Accountability Important in the Workplace? (PowerDMS)
In what specific ways do you hold yourself personally accountable?
PA11 - Receptive to Change
I respond to challenges and new opportunities with openness and flexibility. I have a positive attitude to innovation and new perspectives. I am not afraid to take risks and can responsibly manage outcomes, including remaining resilient when dealing with failure.
PA11 Indicators
11.1 Responsive
Recognizes that due to the ambiguous and emergent environments in which SIL often works, change is unavoidable and adaptability is essential. Remains aware of developments in global contexts and applies this knowledge in setting organisational directions. Uses this awareness in communication and work activities. Adapts behaviors and modifies plans where needed, in order to remain effective and relevant. Supports others in doing this.
Resources & Reflection:
The Importance of Responsiveness (Grensing-Pophal,8/21: hr daily advisor)
Skills to be Culturally Responsive in the Workplace (Williams, heartmanity)
To what extent do your colleagues consider you to be responsive to their needs?
11.2 Open (openness)
Listens to and seeks to understand new perspectives and ideas. Demonstrates willingness to do things differently. Gives and receives feedback constructively and humbly. Embraces challenges as opportunities. Actively encourages a corporate environment of innovation.
Resources & Reflection:
Why you should First Seek to Understand –before Trying to be Understood (Greene,5/14: The Business Journals)
How to be Flexible at Work (With tips and Examples) (Indeed)
To what extent do you deeply listen to other’s perspective and follow that with several related questions, before you even consider stating your perspective?
11.3 Risk Intelligent
Uses information, knowledge and prayerful reflection to assess risk, seeking outside advice when needed (including consulting experts in legal and financial matters, etc.). Maintains a balanced approach to risk and innovation, not jumping in too quickly nor holding back unreasonably. Supports and facilitates wise risk-taking within their sphere of responsibility. Proactively manages the outcomes of risks taken. Cultivates a theology of risk and suffering based on biblical principles, encouraging organisational and individual reflection on such topics.
Resources & Reflection:
Creating a Risk-Aware Culture (Minnesota Management and Budget)
How to Increase Risk Awareness and Create a Risk-Aware Culture (11/18: conversant)
In what ways do you consider risk and risk mitigation as part of your daily work?
[Optional article. Quite detailed] : Personal Values in Relation to Risk Intelligence: Evidence from a Multi-Mediation Model (Semantics Scholar)
11.4 Resilient
Responds proactively to setbacks, failures or mistakes, choosing to reconsider and adjust approaches and practices if needed. Models a learning approach, looking to gain insight from challenging experiences and events that can be applied to future decisions. Is persistent in pursuit of team and unit goals, seeking recovery and renewal in the face of discouragement.
Resources & Reflection:
Resilience in the Workplace: How to be more Resilient at Work (Craig, 1/22: Positive Psychology)
Resilience in the Workplace: What it is and How to Build it (Towler,11/20: CQ Net)
What personal traits do you have that support resilience?
Management/Leadership Competencies (MLCs)
MLC1 - Leading in Global Contexts
The ability to deal with complex situations collaboratively by forming direction, clarifying key issues, enabling and synthesizing diverse input, and identifying key insights in order to generate constructive forward action.
MLC1 Indicators
1.1 Global Awareness
Participates in, and initiates where appropriate, ‘big conversations’ around major 21st century global issues, trends and realities. Understands how these impact the organisation and its goals, and facilitates appropriate organisational responses.
Resources & Reflection:
Is your Organization ready to go Global? (Leimbach & Frevert: Wilson Learning)
Businesses are going Global, but why are they Failing? (Seah: airswift)
To what extent do you bring “Globalization” to our workplace?
1.2 Emergent Contexts
Uses co-creational leadership to explore unknowns in complex contexts and exercises finesse in their approach. Ensures appropriate organisational frameworks support individuals and teams in ambiguous settings.
Resources & Reflection:
Ambiguity & Crises
How to Lead through Ambiguity (Henman: henmanperformancegroup)
When Managing through Ambiguity, Develop a Clear Vision (Einhorn, 11/16/20: Harvard Business Review)
Leadership in Times of Crisis (Abrams,7/1/20:American Psychological Association)
Co-Creational Leadership
Why co-creation is the answer to the leadership challenges (
The Co-Creation Imperative: How to Make Organizational Change Collaborative (
How do you prepare for the emerging unknown?
1.3 Collaboration
Values and facilitates diverse opinions and input. Supports and develops organisational structures and practices that enable inclusion of a multiplicity of voices.
Resources & Reflection:
Which kind of Collaboration is Right for You? (Pisano & Verganti,12/08:Harvard Business Review) [If you cannot access the HBR article, check out a summary here.]
The Ultimate Guide to Effective Collaboration in the Workplace (Maloney, 4.16.19:slack)
Building and managing an ecosystem of co-created value (Hype Innovation)
When things do not work out when you attempt to collaborate, what steps will you take to get the collaboration back to the point where it is productive and uplifting?
1.4 Leadership Strategies
Recognizes that different contexts require different leadership styles and responses. Maintains an understanding of the varying aspects of co-creational leadership and exercises discernment in choosing the best approach based on their particular situation, the global context, and organisational initiatives. Ensures supervisees are properly equipped to participate in co-creational conversations.
Resources & Reflection:
6 things every Global Leader needs to Remember (Leading Effectively Staff,3/25/20:Center for Creative Leadership)
Effective Global Leadership requires a Global Mindset (Cohen,2010: Strategic Leadership Collaborative) [This article is longer, yet is considered quite worthy of reading]
The future of leadership: Co-Creation is Replacing Top-Down Management (Rosenkranz, 5/26/21:Howspace)
What specific steps can you take to expand your circle of influence?
1.5 Reflective Planning
See PA 10.1: Reflective Process
Resources & Reflection:
The Planning Process (lumen learning)
Reflective Practice (Skillsyouneed)
How does one go about integrating reflective practice into strategic planning?
MLC2 - Managing Complex Boundaries
The ability to establish and negotiate appropriate boundaries with colleagues by being mindful of the complex and overlapping spheres of influence that accompany a leadership role in SIL. The ability to exercise emotional intelligence and apply discernment while appropriately modelling accountability, confidentiality and servanthood.
MLC2 Indicators
2.1 Managing Boundaries
Understands that a leadership role within SIL impacts all areas of community life. Manages this complex relationship dynamic using emotional intelligence and discernment. Establishes, monitors and adapts boundaries as appropriate when interacting with supervisees, peers and those in authority.
Resources & Reflection:
8 Ways to Establish Healthy Boundaries at Work (Hershey: Careercontessa)
How to set Clear Work Boundaries-and stick to Them (Hardy,1/14/21:Ideas.Ted)
What boundaries do you need to set in place to maintain healthiness at work?
2.2 Sharing Information
Understands and applies the principles of confidentiality, including when and how it should be broken. Is clear and transparent in communication, at the right time and in the right way. Establishes guidelines and channels for appropriate communication. Proactively seeks accountability for all areas of work and leadership responsibility, and is able to provide this for peers and supervisees.
Resources & Reflection:
Information Sharing and Transparency in an Organization (Jain,3/31/21:linkedin)
How to Balance Candor and Discretion (SVB Financial Group)
How should you go about deciding between more transparency and greater discretion?
Where is the balance?
2.3 Acting and Reacting
Maintains an awareness of the responsibility and visibility of a leadership position. Makes decisions and responds to situations in a manner that is consistent with SIL’s values and practices. Relates to everyone consistently, with humility, respect and a willingness to serve.
Resources & Reflection:
When Reacting is Re-Acting (Cone,1/21/20:Unstuckminds)
Speaking and listening Appropriately (Openlearn)
How to offer an Appropriate Response in any Situation (Lesser:marclesser)
What are some new approaches you need to use, to respond appropriately in challenging situations?
MLC3 - Building Community Around Shared Values
The ability to use appropriate, context-driven strategies within our working communities to engage, inspire and draw people together towards shared vision and values. The ability to break down barriers and work collaboratively to establish and build connections that generate a sense of ownership and commitment.
MLC3 Indicators
3.1 Vision
Understands and contributes to the development of SIL’s guiding principles, particularly as relates to being a community of grace. Articulates these principles skillfully to demonstrate relevance and facilitate contextualization as appropriate. Builds on Emotional, Intercultural and Organisational Intelligence (PA2-4) in order to create cohesion between diverse individuals and teams.
Resources & Reflection:
Give your Organization a Work-Life Vision (Valcour,9/1/14: Harvard Business Review) [If you cannot access the HBR article, check out a summary here.]
Why Employees need Shared Values to be Fully Engaged (Emplify)
The Role of Shared Values and Vision in Creating Professional Learning Communities (Huffman,4/22/02:University of N. Texas) [While the entire document is worthy, the conclusion on page 18 gets right to the point.]
Now that you know the corporate vision, how do you live it out in your daily work life?
3.2 Connection
Behaves in a manner that creates and maintains trust and respect particularly in cross-cultural contexts. Builds on and develops new initiatives, common goals and shared ways of working to form effective and mutually supportive relationships.
Resources & Reflection:
10 Benefits of Being a Trustworthy Leader (Murphy,4/28/2016: Inc.)
Where are the Trustworthy Leaders? (Well,3/16/2017:Psychology Today)
The Importance of Shared Values for a Fulfilling Company Culture (Arkadin Blog Team, 2/1/19: NTT)
How do you clearly show that you have the best interest of the staff at heart?
3.3 Engagement
Promotes and encourages a sense of ownership and commitment to corporate values and vision. Empowers those within their sphere of influence to take action to accomplish common aims. Communicates effectively, using coaching skills where appropriate, to build momentum and support for corporate goals.
Resources & Reflection:
Leadership Engagement always trumps Employee Engagement (Moore, 8/31/2016:Forbes)
Engagement Starts with your Leaders (Roth: Wilson Learning Worldwide)
How can you best go about encouraging staff ownership and engagement?
MLC4 - Communicating Effectively
The ability to manage and maintain free-flowing information channels that facilitate a healthy and productive work environment. The ability to use appropriate strategies and tools to provide suitable access to information at all levels of the organisation.
MLC4 Indicators
4.1 Environment
Initiates processes that encourage participation, consensus and transparency, in a context where staff feel engaged and valued through regular and consistent dialogue. Consults others and is willing to be consulted.
Resources & Reflection:
The Power of Good Communication in the Workplace (Bosworth: leadershipchoice)
Top Ten TIps for Effective Workplace Communication (Freemont College)
20 Ways to Effectively Communicate with your Team (Belonwu,11/19/13: smallbuztrends)
What communication tools work best for SIL with many remote workers?
4.2 Strategy and Technology
Uses and adapts a variety of interaction styles and technologies, at individual and organisational levels. Shares ideas and presents information in a manner suitable to the context. Delivers clear, concise and accurate messages. Makes effective use of available tools and infrastructure to best reach intended audiences.
Resources & Reflection:
Effective Communication Strategies: 7 Ways to Improve (Sprimont: Insperity)
Effective Communication Strategies in Business (Virginia Wesleyan University (VWU))
The Role of Technology in the Evolution of Communication (Forbes)
As you work with personnel from different departments, areas and in differing organisational levels, how can you keep the communication real?
4.3 Accessibility
Distributes information and news at team and organisation level, and to partners, willingly and openly, discouraging silos and secrecy but bearing in mind issues of security, sensitivity and confidentiality where needed. Provides timely responses to requests, enquiries, concerns etc.
Resources & Reflection:
8 Essential Leadership Communication Skills (Landry, 114/14/2019: Harvard Business Review)
Communication: The most important key to Leadership Success (Froschheiser: Reliable Plant)
How do you find the correct balance between protecting sensitive or confidential information and staff’s need to be kept in the loop?
MLC5 - Working Strategically
The ability to apply an understanding of SIL’s context(s) and wider strategy to team activities. The ability to integrate team activities with other departments and leaders to avoid duplication of effort and build synergy. The ability to maintain a continuing awareness of resources and make best use of them.
MLC5 Indicators
5.0 General Resources
Team Leadership: Organizing and Setting Direction (Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library)
5.1 Alignment
Contributes to the development of SIL’s mission, vision, and transformation statements. Bears these in mind when making decisions within their sphere of influence. Balances corporate context with local context. Contributes directly to organisational strategic direction and planning.
Resources & Reflection:
Creating Strategic Alignment (Balanced Scorecard Institute) AND link 2
4 Steps to Create Strategic Alignment (LSA Global)
What could you do to ensure our organizational strategy is clearly articulated, fully understood and consistently executed across our organization?
5.2 Co-ordination
Collaborates and consults with colleagues and partners to make effective cooperative use of personnel and resources, and establishes corporate processes to facilitate this. Contributes ideas and expertise in consultative contexts. Considers internal and external workgroups and contexts when initiating work activities in order to minimize overlap and repetition.
Resources & Reflection:
Management Function of Coordinating/Controlling:Overview of Basic Methods (McNamara: Management Help)
Design Strategies for achieving coordination in organizations (van Bree: Linkedin)
How can [SIL] design at the [organizational] level connect and shape what is happening at the team level, in order for these efforts to be useful for the organization as a whole?
5.3 Prioritization
Effectively balances long-term directions and short-term requirements when initiating activities and allocating resources. Models this behavior and supports others in this. Clearly communicates the corporate big picture so that it can be translated into local and context-appropriate detail. Thinks ahead to anticipate challenges and identify contingencies; accounts for these in work plans and in setting departmental direction.
Resources & Reflection:
Support Strategic Choices with Prioritization Frameworks (Savkin:BSC Designer)
A better way to set Strategic Priorities (Lidow,2/13/17:Harvard Business Review). [If you cannot access the HBR article, check out a summary here.]
What are the top few factors we should consider when prioritizing?
MLC6 - Shaping Teams
The ability to apply workforce planning principles to organize and set direction for own area of responsibility. The ability to delegate and make optimal use of own and other’s time, talents, and material resources. The ability to integrate good team building principles with good practice in managing a team, including in virtual contexts.
MLC6 Indicators
6.0 General Resources
10 Best Practices for Effective Team Building ( Alvarez, 6/21/19:Caliper)
6.1 Team Formation and Development
Gathers together the right people with the right skills, in response to organisational strategies and goals. Maintains awareness of team dynamics and initiates activities that promote healthy relationship formation (see PA6&9). Seeks unity in diversity, modelling and encouraging a servant-mindset. Assists team members in remaining connected to the wider context whilst also representing team interests and focus.
Resources & Reflection:
The Five Stages of Team Development (Lumen Learning)
Using the Stages of Team Development (Stein: MIT Human Resources)
Within the SIL culture, what steps must be taken for a team to get past forming and storming?
How can you assist the team to become a high performing team?
6.2 Team Vision and Direction
Fosters engagement through development and clear communication of common vision, goals and desires. Encourages ownership, autonomy and creativity by using collaborative leadership styles where appropriate. Plans, organizes, and delegates in order to provide structure for team activities.
Resources & Reflection:
Inspiring People and Performance Direction (Kostner and Stribak,2/93: Project Management Institute (PMI))
Setting a Vision for Teams: Ideas for Leading with Vision (Indeed)
Suppose you have developed a credible vision statement for your team, yet the team has veered off in other directions. What steps should you prayerfully consider taking?
6.3 Team Practices
Seeks and models good team-working habits (PA9). Seeks and models cooperation and collaboration both within their area of responsibility and with other teams, workgroups and partners. Develops team practices and procedures that are consistent with organisational values, guidelines and policies.
Resources & Reflection:
10 Habits of Highly Successful Teams (Lesley, 1/05/16: HighQ)
10 Ways to Support your Team at Work (Chastney,10/19/20:Future Learn)
It is given that on a team you will have people from different nationalities, with different personalities, mannerisms and approaches. How can a leader navigate through these differences to achieve positive outcomes?
6.4 Virtual Teams
Maintains an awareness of the particular challenges that face virtual work environments. Remains up to date with innovations and developments in virtual working. Proactively nurtures relationships through frequent, regular and open communication. Pays attention to aspects of team life that would otherwise happen naturally in face-to-face environments and facilitates opportunities for these to grow.
Resources & Reflection:
The Success Behind Virtual Teams: The Ultimate Guide (Waters,5/18/21:Better Up)
Now’s the Time to Build a Virtual Super Team. Here’s How (Asghar,3/20/20:Forbes)
To what extent does technology present barriers within our virtual teams, and what can we do to work past this?
MLC7 - Managing Performance
The ability to build performance enhancing relationships that are trust-based, genuine, and accountable. The ability to monitor, guide, encourage, and inspire staff performance towards team goals.
MLC7 Indicators
7.1 Building Trust
Seeks to create an environment of trust within their sphere of responsibility by modelling trust-building behaviors (ref PA6.2) and investing in relationships. Holds supervisees accountable, providing healthy, grace-filled challenge to behaviors and attitudes while modelling accountability themselves.
Resources & Reflection:
How to Build Trust as a Leader (Civitella,5/7/19:Forbes)
The 3 Elements of Trust (Zenger and Folkman,2/5/19:Harvard Business Review) [If you cannot access the HBR article, check out a summary here.]
10 Ways of Building Trust as a Leader (Miller,11/17/21:Leaders)
You are told to be transparent and yet not to share information that is not yours. Sometimes this is like walking on a tightrope-how can you best balance these two important factors?
7.2 Supervision
Understands project management principles and processes, and applies these in their context and sphere of responsibility. Has a sound grasp of roles and activities within this sphere, and how they relate to strategic and corporate goals. Follows-up team and department activities and projects regularly, using appropriate benchmarks and measures to track progress. Uses this knowledge, together with appropriate communication styles, to provide advice and guidance on work issues and activities as needed.
Resources & Reflection:
12 Basic Project Management Principles for Absolute Beginners (11/24/21:kissflow)
The 5 Project Management Principles of Planning (05/13/2020: the blueprint)
10 Things Successful Supervisors do Differently (10/3/13:HR Insights Blog)
You are not serving as a project manager, yet you have multiple different projects and tasks running concurrently. What single project management tool could you best apply to ensure each is progressing as expected?
7.3 Performance Recognition
Encourages and motivates those within their sphere of responsibility through regular and appropriate recognition of good performance. Evaluates effort, impact and outcome of work activities as well as progress towards goals, rewarding specific achievements and honoring contributions of both individuals and departments.
Resources & Reflection:
How to Reward, Recognize and Encourage Strong Performance (University of Minnesota Human Resources)
Creating a Culture of Recognition (Hastwell, 9/21:Great Place to Work)
In what specific, meaningful ways can you best use recognition to encourage and motivate staff?
7.4 Building Capacity
Is consistent and regular in supplying constructive feedback and review. Facilitates identification of particular areas where growth is needed, for both individuals and departments. Supports peers and supervisees in their learning and proactively seeks/provides opportunities for this. Provides (or facilitates access to) coaching and assistance for professional development. Contributes to organisational learning processes.
Resources & Reflection:
Building Capacity in Nonprofit Organizations, (DeVita and Flemming, 2001: Urban Institute)
Strengthening Capacity Building in the Non Profit Sector (Drake and Hildebrand,5/9/17:learningforaction)
Of the two basic approaches for non-profits to build capacity, which one strikes you as your preferred approach? Why?
MLC8 - Navigating Conflicts
The ability to contain situations and manage their consequences within a community of grace. The ability to recognize and differentiate between healthy, creative conflict and unhealthy, destructive conflict. The ability to respond in a timely and appropriate manner, exercising conflict resolution skills to facilitate reconciliation where necessary.
MLC8 Indicators
8.0 General Resources
Conflict Management:6 Examples for the workplace, (; [high level general discussion]
8.1 Engagement with Conflict
Models and encourages openness, integrity and assertiveness in appropriate contexts. Sets an expectation for harmony and mutual cooperation, proactively building a community of grace.
Resources & Reflection:
Toolkit for Action, Engaging with Conflict and challenging hate, (Cumming,
Engaging in Productive Conflict-Why and How, (
What steps can you take to convert aggressive conflict into productive conflict?
8.2 Creative Process
Initiates debate and sharing of differing ideas and approaches that positively challenge the status quo. Develops both personal and organisation-wide skills, habits and approaches that foster healthy responses to differences and tensions, including the ability to distinguish between creative and destructive processes.
Resources & Reflection:
Tips for Managing Conflict, (Clark University)
How to Handle Conflict in the Workplace (University of California, San Diego)
There are various tools to help one manage conflict. What were the top three that most stood out to you, and why did you select them?
8.3 Destructive Process
Facilitates organisation-wide responses to destructive process in a timely and appropriate manner, considering relationships, cultural perspectives, and organisational policies and procedures. Actively listens to gather insight into all impacted perspectives. Adapts communication and resolution style to context.
Resources & Reflection:
How to Resolve Conflict and Overcome Destructive Behaviors in the Workplace (7/13/21:Chron)
Managing Destructive Conflict (2/24/14:Croner-i)
Common Mistakes with Conflict Resolution, (Jacobson, 2017: Conover Company)
What one new approach do you most need to take when dealing with destructive conflict?
8.4 Conflict Management
Works toward effective, equitable, and respectful resolution of conflict, mediating and facilitating reconciliation where necessary. Models and coaches others in dispute resolution methods and approaches. Deals with complex situations and their consequences (including those affecting organisational units or external partners), while maintaining appropriate confidentiality (ref ML2.2). Employs strategies that seek consensus and engagement.
Resources & Reflection:
Conflict Management, What is Conflict Management, (peoplehum)
Conflict Management Styles, (9/17/21:valamis)
7 Strategies on How to Resolve Conflict, (4/27/21:hrcloud)
What is your conflict management style? Now that you know its identified weaknesses, what can you do to mitigate those weaknesses?
MLC9 - Solving Problems
The ability to recognize and respond to problems, identifying solutions by listening, reflecting, analyzing information, encouraging innovation, and making sound decisions.
MLC9 Indicators
9.0 General Resources
The 10 Step Problem Solving Process to Overcome any Issue, (Tracy,2018)
12 Approaches to Problem Solving for Every Situation, (Indeed Editorial Team, 3/11/21:Indeed)
9.1 Recognizing Issues
Identifies, anticipates and evaluates issues. Considers implications, opportunities and risks at both individual and organisational level.
Resources & Reflection:
Identifying and Structuring Problems, (Skills you Need)
Getting the Problem Right: Recognizing the True Issues in your Organization, Tormey, 4/16/19:Revolutionary HR Consulting)
Are you Solving the Right Problem, (Spradlin,9/12:Harvard Business Review)
“If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.”
Why do you think Einstein made this statement?
How can you apply this when you face organizational problem?
9.2 Developing Options
Encourages and initiates innovative courses of action while considering and/or setting guidelines and precedents. Listens and reflects, encourages debate and diverse opinions to generate a range of options from inside and outside the organisation.
Resources & Reflection:
7) Step 5: Develop Alternatives (11/18/11)
Decision Making and Problem Solving (Cuesta College) [focus particularly on point 3]
Identify Options, (7/18/ [use links within the article]
To what extent have you previously been openly seeking alternatives that are outside the constraints of the problem (“out of the box” thinking)?
9.3 Selecting Solutions
Uses a variety of strategies in decision making, including co-creational approaches. Takes calculated risks, based on an awareness of societal, economic and political issues as they impact individuals, teams and the strategic direction of the organization.
Resources & Reflection:
Generate Solutions, (problemsolvinggroups)
How to Develop the Right Solution to any Problem, (Roell,11/17/15)
What three questions do you most need to ask before selecting a solution?
9.4 Communicating Decisions
Maintains relevant and adequate documentation. Communicates the rationale for decisions clearly and appropriately.
Resources & Reflection:
What Effective Leaders do Differently in Communicating Decisions, (Mustafa,5/24/16: Linked In)
7 Things to Share when you Communicate Decisions, (Eikenberry: Remote Leadership Institute)
What means will you use to ensure that people have correctly understood your communication?
MLC10 - Working with Budgets
The ability to establish budgets that are in line with work plans, engaging in fund-raising if necessary. The ability to plan, oversee, monitor, and review those budgets, in order to facilitate progress towards agreed goals.
MLC10 Indicators
10.1 Budget Process
Sets, oversees and monitors area/domain budgets, following relevant policies and procedures, with special consideration for high priority/ strategic objectives.
Budgeting: the tactical Implementation of a Business Plan, (Corporate Financial Institute (CFI))
Budgeting: a 10 Step Checklist, (Propel Nonprofits)
Budget Choice: Planning vs. Control, (Churchill,7/84:Harvard Business Review)
10.2 Legal Compliance
Works within legal financial parameters at personal, unit, and international level. Maintains a continuing awareness of both local and international legal requirements. Reports financial irregularities immediately.
Resources & Reflection:
Nonprofit Legal Compliance: Why it Matters (D’Allesandro,3/13/19:NonProfitPro)
Should NonProfits have a Legal and Compliance Department?, (Eisenstein,11/22/19: Board Effect)
Reflect on how such legal and administrative steps can be beneficial in avoiding the very appearance of impropriety
10.3 Financial Stewardship
Undertakes planning and management of financial resources with integrity and transparency. Connects activities, work plans and allocation of resources to desired organisational outcomes and operational needs, ensuring that adequate funds are available.
Resources & Reflection:
ECFA’s Integrity Standards for Nonprofit, (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA))
Biblical Principles on Financial Stewardship, (8/22/00:Grace Chapel)
Reflect on the significance and benefits of SIL being seen as a faith-based nonprofit that can be trusted to utilize financial resources with integrity and transparency.
10.4 Fund Raising
Develops relationships and organizes opportunities for cultivating funding resources. Follows good fundraising practices. Initiates and supports fundraising efforts.
Resources & Reflection:
Fundraising on Furloughs, (Wilson,4/3/18:Support Raising Solutions)
Fundraising (National Council of Nonprofits)
11 Simple ways to Raise Money for your Nonprofit in 2021 (JHa,4/14/21:DonorBox)
As you consider organisations with which you desire to form a relationship, reflect on what factors they most value in choosing an organisation to fund.