
Consideration in the Ignatian Tradition

Dr. Douglas Gregg, Christian Formation and Direction Ministries

Prayer of Consideration in the Ignatian Tradition


The Prayer of Consideration involves an intellectual approach to Scripture, searching for insights in much the same manner as inductive Bible study, asking these questions: Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? These questions help us understand and organize the content of a passage, not just for the purpose of understanding or to teach others, but especially for the purpose of prayer—conversation with God. Jesus gives us the clue when he says, “Consider the lilies of the field…” This is an invitation to consider and reflect, to take time to ponder and wait upon the Lord for insight and understanding. As you consider a text you may identify: 

Especially ask the Lord for attachment insights that will deepen your identification with Jesus and increase your love for him and your desire to be like him. As you pray along the way and at the close, thank the Lord as he reveals insights to you, petition him for discernment in evaluating the insights, talk to him about the conviction you are feeling or other feelings that are triggered by your reading, and praise and thank him for his gifts of consolation provided during the time of prayer.

Ignatius wrote, “…I consider Jesus Christ our Lord and his call. If a human leader can have an appeal to us, how much greater is the attraction of the God-Man, Jesus Christ…. Jesus’ call goes out to all peoples, yet he especially calls each person in a particular and unique way. He makes this kind of appeal: ‘It is my will to win over the whole world, to overcome evil with good, to turn hatred aside with love, to conquer all the forces of death—whatever obstacles there are that block the sharing of life between God and humankind. Whoever wishes to join me in this mission must be willing to labor with me, and so by following me in struggle and suffering may share with me in glory.’” (#95)

Exercise: Where Jesus’ life touches mine 

Objective: Choose an episode in the life of Christ that is most appealing or inspiring to you and that evokes within you a strong desire to be like him and devote yourself to him.

Scripture: Let the Lord draw you to a text. If nothing comes, begin to read through the Gospel of Mark or one of the other three gospels, trusting that you will be led to the passage you are to consider.


During the day: Hold close the incident from Jesus’ life that you have chosen and allow God to elaborate on this in your own life or focus it in some way for you. Is there a breath prayer that comes from the passage? Use this to be re-centered in God during the day.