Life Satisfaction
Life Satisfaction
Please rate your current level of satisfaction with each of the following areas of your life. Place a number from 1 to 10 in the box next to each item, 1 meaning “entirely unacceptable to me in its current state”and 10 meaning “I couldn’t be happier with this”. Skip any that do not apply. Your level of satisfaction with each may change somewhat from day to day, but try to give your best overall assessment of how pleased/peaceful/fulfilled/content you are with each at this point in your life.
Personal Spiritual Life and Growth ________
Church/Religious Life ________
Physical Health ________
Mental/Emotional Health ________
Marriage/Romantic Relationship ________
Home Life (Family Cohesion –How the Family “Works”) ________
Personal Order (Organization, Efficiency, Simplicity) ________
Extended Family Relationships (Relatives, In-laws) ________
Friends/Social Life ________
Fun and Recreation/Hobbies ________
Financial Stability ________
Physical Environment (Condition of Home, Cars, Neighborhood, etc.) ________
Career/Employment ________
Relationship with family member __________________________ ________ (List Each Separately)
One Another Ministries International,