Spiritual Life Inventory

Spiritual Life Inventory: Taking Stock of Where You are on the Journey

© 2018 Scott E. Shaum Source: https://tendingscatteredwool.com/2018/08/07/revised-spiritual-reflection-tool/

Personal self-examination is a valuable and biblical exercise. Reflectively consider how God is growing you in the following areas. If it is helpful, ask others (especially your spouse, if married) to help you see yourself objectively. 

“The most important thing we do as pastors is who we are.” – Eugene Peterson

General Pace of Life 

Where do you fall in the following continuums? Don’t over analyze, go with a “gut” reaction. 

Energized to Deeply Tired…

Energized Renewed?

“Good” Tired-Appropriate Rhythm?

“Dangerous” Tired-Weary at a Soul Level?

Under Fulfilled to Too Busy… 

Life & ministry a bit slow?

Balanced; Full, but not busy, time to rest?

I am on the run until I fall into bed?

Intimacy with God 


Delight in and commitment to know and apply the Scriptures

Relationships: How Others Experience You


We cannot walk alone. We all need others in our lives – both peers and those who hold the place of a “counselor” in our life. 


God does not punish us with pain. Yet, he also does not heal every pain we experience. His disposition towards us is love and mercy. God redeems adversity, like all of life circumstances, to draw us deeper into his love. 

Reflection: A Wise Spiritual Practice 

What overarching observations come to you as you reflect on what God is doing in you? Generally, is there a sense of spiritual vibrancy in your life or rather one of “catch as catch can?” What deeply encourages you? Where do you see vulnerabilities? Take some time to reflect in this manner and record your thoughts. Be honest with yourself and God. Such honesty allows God to move freely in your life. What desires have been stirred that you would like to present to God as prayers? Record these summary thoughts from a gospel reality. In other words, God always initiates, we always respond. This is not up to us; we are not after a self-help plan. What is God inviting you to and how would you like to respond? 


Source: https://tendingscatteredwool.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/spiritual-life-inventory.pdf