Spiritual Resilience Checklist

Spiritual Resilience Checklist

Please indicate where you think you are today,  on the likert scale in each statement. 

Likert Scale: 1. Never  2. Rarely  3. Seldom  4. Often  5. Always

Sound Theology of Suffering

Have I grappled with my theology of suffering, and are the resulting assumptions Biblical

1     2     3     4    5

Does my organization encourage and promote a sound theology of suffering

1     2     3     4    5

Intrinsic Religious Motivation

Do I have a habit of attending community worship and prayer

1     2     3     4    5

Do I have at least two close Christian friends for mutual support and sharing openly and deeply?

1     2     3     4    5

Do I have a regular habit of personal prayer and studying the Bible?

1     2     3     4    5

Do I have a regular practice of participating in spiritual retreats, contemplative prayer and receiving spiritual direction

1     2     3     4    5

Ability to Face and Share uncomfortable Feelings

Do I have experiential knowledge of receiving forgiveness from God and from others

1     2     3     4    5

Am I aware of the forgiveness process and able to distinguish forgiving from excusing or glossing over injuries

1     2     3     4    5

Does my organization encourage and promote giving, experiencing, and knowing forgiveness?

1     2     3     4    5

Knowing and Receiving Grace

Do I have a deep experience of being loved and valued by God?

1     2     3     4    5

Am I accepting of human brokenness as a common experience and able to love others (myself) when the brokenness is visible rather than being overly condemning?

1     2     3     4    5

Does my organization encourage a culture of openness, vulnerability, and support as its members deal with their brokenness

1     2     3     4    5

Supportive Relationships with other Believers

Does this person have at least two close Christian friends

1     2     3     4    5

Does this person give growing and maintaining close relationships a measure of priority over ministry work?

1     2     3     4    5