Spiritual Health in the Workplace

Organizational Facilitation of Spiritual Health

Conversations about Spiritual Health with Individuals


There are a number of strategies an organisation can use to facilitate spiritual health in it’s individual staff/ members. 


Resilience is not an innate personality trait, but rather a process that is both internal and external resulting from positive adaptation to adversity. Resilience is built when stress is applied and protective factors are accessed.

It is the ability to make the best of any situation.

“Resilience is the process of adapting to significant adversity through the use of assets and resources within the individual, their social networks and wider environment; a process which carries across the life course and is expressed in culturally meaningful ways.” 2016 – Duncan Watts of Interserve

Some staff or members may prefer to use a tool to think and reflect about how they are doing before they talk about it. We offer four options:

Preparing Staff to Hold Conversations about Spiritual Health

All of these strategies listed above require a conversation with a person about their spiritual health, One of the “road blocks” that may be encountered to holding conversations about a staff / members is that the member care staff or line managers may not feel equipped to hold such conversations. The training sessions below provide a framework for having this conversation, and to explore why they may not feel enabled and to equip them to try having these conversations. 

Other Helps: